Let's be friends

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What is this? You are viewing one of our supplemental "Stories." In addition to our core design curriculum, we are constantly building out additional resources. Stories are a collection of real work tasks, design history, UX explorations, and work-throughs. Stories are often off-the-cuff and less concerned with production value.


OK OK… so, maybe we’re joking a little when we say it’s the “ULTIMATE!!! Extra Amazing portfolio!” We like to keep things silly around here.

However, building out your own routing system collection of data-backed modular templates is going to set you up with a solid foundation. From there, you really can take it anywhere you want to go. And of course, add in a bunch of JavaScript, right? Ha ha ha.

What is this?

As you know, you’ve been building out your personal portfolio site since the earliest days of your time at PE. Everyone takes their own angle on file structure and how they’ll store their data with the hopes that we can collectively come to a conclusion about which patterns work best. While you do get to see a lot of those options and choices through each others’ work, this video series is meant to serve as yet another layer to revisit. If you missed any key “Ah Ha!” moments, then this will deliver those. This should seal the deal on this group of workshops.

If you are working through this in an official DFTW session

Do NOT decide to just start over with your website. Use these conversations – and take the concepts you like and incorporate what you need into your current times. It’s more important to be able to work within a living system than it is to start over.

Let's be friends