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What is this? You are viewing one of our supplemental "Stories." In addition to our core design curriculum, we are constantly building out additional resources. Stories are a collection of real work tasks, design history, UX explorations, and work-throughs. Stories are often off-the-cuff and less concerned with production value.


Everything in this series are things we’ve gone over in detail in the course. But we’re learning a lot! So, you might have missed a few “Ah ha!” moments. Hopefully, this can solidify the concepts through all of the various stages – now that you have more perspective.

Let’s break it down…

We suggest you take notes about the thought process. Does this all make sense? and write down any of your questions so you can clear anything up – that doesn’t.

Part 11

Checking back in. Conditional templates based on data. Default template data. Adding the “live style guide.”

Part 12

Styling modules from the outside. Storytelling in the style guide with helpful default module content.

Part 13

Notes about how students would likely have /projects as individual folders already.

Working with some JSON data.

Part 14

Using the goals.json data to render the goals. A loop within a loop should be nothin new.


Using a JSON object for the page as well as the resume data.


Retrieving the resume data and setting up the resume page template.

also adding in error reporting.


Templating out the resume page.

Part 18

Little note about abbreviation wrapping with Emmet.

Moving some links to the footer/site-map, talking about when/if to refactor modules.

Looking things over and trying to figure out what to do next – and decided to make a little detail page routing example with a larger set of data.

Part 19

Working with an open Application Programming Interface. Retrieving JSON data from an outside server. Displaying a list of Pokemon.

This could be any list of data. Don’t like monsters? Pretend they are Gucci bags – or whatever you are into.

Part 20

Conditionally loading a different template based on user choice of “list” or “detail.” Using queryString parameters sent along with the GET request to give us info to make decisions with.

Part 21

Getting the right detail data and displaying it in the detail route template.

Did you watch all the videos so far?

Let us know how it went, and we’ll give you the next batch!

Let's be friends