Last session of 2024

This might sound weird… but – that’s because we aren’t normal.

We'd rather give the money to you

“Boot camps” spend millions of dollars on advertising and millions of dollars for “Student acquisition teams” and “Coaches” to sell you on their program. That’s WAY more than they actually paid the people who write their curriculum. That’s what’s fucking weird.

We want to use all the tuition money to actually build a better school – and not a better sales funnel. So, that’s why we’d rather just give you the money to do it.

We know our people are out there. Help us find them – and we’ll send you $250.

We think it makes a lot of sense.

Tell someone about the class. Explain why it’s great. Find the people you want to design all the things in the world. Find the people you trust.


Learn all about the class on our home page and FAQs and videos etc.

Each student is given 1 space in their application to honor you for matching us up. That way we don’t have to pay a bunch of lawyers. If the person you refer ends up being an official student, then they’ll mark you down as their reference. It’s that clear and simple. We’ll contact you and send you money to say thank you for connecting us / and for helping us build a better education system.

(RE: update: all past agreements still stand)

Tell the people!

We think just calling your friends and family – and talking to them about it is best. Do you have a cousin who has a knack for visual stuff – or who always knows how to rally a team or solve a problem? That’s a good fit! That one employee you work with – who’s always rising to the occasion – and you know is destined for greatness? Tell them. We need those people to help design better systems at every level.

If you can’t call them – then maybe you can send them a letter – or an email. Tell them they are special. Tell them that you want them to be the person to design the things.

And if that doesn’t work – then you can fall back on social media. Here’s a list of social media links we use: – but on your end… just pick one of these relevant URLs

And drop those into any social media platform – with a little note about making sure they say you sent them – when they apply.

There are hundreds of thousands of people who want to “learn to code”

Help give them the gift of the best education there is. And if you’re a career developer already – and you want a little more details to help you vet us, set up a call. The actual instructor – who actually wrote the curriculum – isn’t hiding in the shadows – and will stand behind our methods face-to-face. Will any other school do that?

Last session of 2024