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What is this? You are viewing one of our supplemental "Stories." In addition to our core design curriculum, we are constantly building out additional resources. Stories are a collection of real work tasks, design history, UX explorations, and work-throughs. Stories are often off-the-cuff and less concerned with production value.


Everything in this series are things we’ve gone over in detail in the course. But we’re learning a lot! So, you might have missed a few “Ah ha!” moments. Hopefully, this can solidify the concepts through all of the various stages – now that you have more perspective.

Let’s break it down…

We suggest you take notes about the thought process. Does this all make sense? and write down any of your questions so you can clear anything up – that doesn’t.

Part 22

Getting a basic page router based on querystring parameters in place.

Part 23

Page-level routing. Moving the about.php “page” files in the root – to templates that are loaded based on querystring ?page=page-name. Checking if the file exists and showing an error message when it doesn’t

Part 24

Styling a few things + how confusing file names waste a lot of time. Consolidating the page template import conditional logic into one line of code.

Part 25

The importance of committing your code in meaningful chunks – and why your commit messages matter. Mocking out projects JSON data.

Part 26

Switching out the projects spotlight PHP data to the project.json data. Filter the projects based on the “featured” key.

Part 27

Set up the projects page and get the base dynamic detail page in place.

Part 28

Adding a README file and creating a todo list.

Part 29

Getting the data for a single project and the base project detail template.

Part 30

Rendering the case-study page sections/modules. Also adding a module for figures.

Part 31

Getting the dynamic data for the modules from the JSON into the template. Recap of the key concepts.

Trello as a todo list

Whatever you need to do to stay clear on the big picture and make sure your brain is having fun.

Did you watch all the videos so far?

Let us know how it went, and we’ll give you the next batch!

Let's be friends