Last session of 2024

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What is this? You are viewing one of our supplemental "Stories." In addition to our core design curriculum, we are constantly building out additional resources. Stories are a collection of real work tasks, design history, UX explorations, and work-throughs. Stories are often off-the-cuff and less concerned with production value.


I can only host these videos privately on this site – so, that’s why they are here. : )

This page isn’t indexed by crawlers – so no one will be able to find it without the URL. I’ll keep any videos explainer stuff here.

Migration directions round 1

Derek goes over how to take a page from Squarespace and move it to the new site.

Older things…

Nothin to see here.

New landmarks put into place with JS

These might be verbose? We’ll have to ask a real user — but given that we don’t have control over the markup – this is probably a win.

Example of how we'll use the red dot and the image alt text examples

One of the big wins of having an exhaustive list of alt, title, desc – and other helpful tools for screen readers — is that we can test them all – and document them in one place. Then – we can know which options work best- and which to choose for which situation. Here are the first 5 or so tested with VoiceOver.

VoiceOver tests round 1: May 2nd 2022

Here are the first tests of the interactive dog color mode switcher. And while I was there, I went through the rest of the page to see how it sounded.

Github repo is here:

Thoughts on landmark regions

Example alternate CMS

Older things

Figuring out colors bottleneck example: (March)

Derek walks through some thought process as he works through getting this cat from illustrator to code –

Last session of 2024