Last session of 2024


There are so many ways you could organize a program to render things to the DOM. But here’s a little work-through considering your choices and different patterns you could use.

There’s a reason hundreds of devs work for years to build out UI libraries and JS frameworks. And a lot of things to consider. But for now, keep it simple and fun!

See the Pen HTML cheatsheet 1 / display types by (@perpetual-education) on CodePen.

Here’s the basic procedure.

But then it just goes and you have no way to control it or reuse it.

See the Pen HTML cheatsheet 1 / display types by (@perpetual-education) on CodePen.

Wrapping that in a function gives you control (and encapsulation)

See the Pen HTML cheatsheet 1 / display types by (@perpetual-education) on CodePen.

The template might get a little more complex. You can format it to make it a bit more readable. But what if you have a nested list or something? It could get weird and you don’t have syntax highlighting and you could make more mistakes.

See the Pen HTML cheatsheet 1 / display types by (@perpetual-education) on CodePen.

Here’s a shorthand for tacking the new string to the base string. (for some people, this is more or less readable)

If you’re going to use it – make sure you’re 100% clear on what it does, and you didn’t just memorize it and create a bad conceptual model.

See the Pen HTML cheatsheet 1 / display types by (@perpetual-education) on CodePen.

You can break the single item out into it’s own function. This will keep things more readable and give the function a smaller scope to handle. Depending on your situation, this might be more or less readable. So, it’s up to you to figure that out.

See the Pen HTML cheatsheet 1 / display types by (@perpetual-education) on CodePen.

People tend to get sick of writing out the template (or whatever you call it) (the variable for the base string) – and they’ll see this trick using and adopt it. But if it’s too tricky, just use the Array.forEach() style until you change your mind.

The array method map is creating an array based on what you give it, so something like ["<li>a</li>","<li>b</li>","<li>c</li>"] and the Array.join('') is putting the array back together as a string – and instead of a comma, using a nothing to connect them into their final output `"<li>a</li><li>b</li><li>c</li>" .

Kinda weird at first! And not as readable for new people. (but faster to write in some situations)

See the Pen HTML cheatsheet 1 / display types by (@perpetual-education) on CodePen.

Some of these functions aren’t really rendering anything. They’re just returning a value (a string representing some HTML markup);

Maybe naming them differently will be helpful to differentiate them.

See the Pen HTML cheatsheet 1 / display types by (@perpetual-education) on CodePen.

You could have a generic render function like this.

You need to know what to render – but also, where to render that. You can use a default parameter value  (a pretty good example of a use-case for that if you haven’t used them yet)

What’s next?

You can build out some JS-based list of stuff! And now that you have a function to render items, you can decide what items it renders. What if you want to filter the item by category? You could click a button (maybe get the category name from a data-attrubute?) and then use that to filter the item list and render the filtered list. By combining what you know about events and arrays and string templates – you can do a lot of stuff.

You can also take some of your server-side projects (that have lists) and highjack them with JS. The first page will load as usual with the server building out the HTML – but once a user interacts with a search bar or filters or some sort, you can rebuild the list with JavaScript and replace the server-side list. This will give you the best of both worlds. This is a classic example of progressive enhancement. If there’s no JS, it works as usual. If you have JS then now you get an enhanced experience. This also leads to the concepts of the JAMstack. So, get in there an build some weird interactive lists!

Add <template> examples… and note the build-your-own-vue resource.

Last session of 2024