Last session of 2024


We’ll flesh this out… 😉

Select a company/job listing to give yourself direction

Analyze what they need based on the listing, their projects, and employees

  • What do you have a working knowledge of already?
  • What do you kinda know?
  • Where am I now and how do I improve?
  • What do you need to learn?
  • In what order should I learn them?

Steps to success…

  • What projects will exemplify my skills (which they need)?
  • How do I present myself?
    • Get comfortable with tech-related vocabulary
    • Get comfortable talking about programming and design
    • Don’t let them know I know their personal info
    • Keep saying woke stuff
  • How do I measure this?
    • What’s a realistic timeline?
    • How fast should I be able to build things?
      • Make some exercises based on this…
Last session of 2024