Let's be friends


You’ll end up reworking your personal site many times throughout this course.

One of the first times – is when we make the personal website style tile during the graphic design week.

Here are some extra videos we’ll be collecting that might be helpful at the various stages.

Derek makes a few style tiles for a first stab at a cohesive visual language


Here’s what to do

  1. Gather the content that will actually be on your site

  2. Gather any visual inspiration you’ve collected

  3. Choose a font or 2 (keep it simple) (no cursive or fantasy fonts allowed)

  4. Stay away from color at first. Work with the space and contrast in black and white

  5. Organize the base skeleton of content in a way that makes sense

  6. Duplicate those artboards – so that you can have a few versions

  7. Use your inspiration collection to take a few different visual directions and layer that over the content

  8. Show it to the class and get feedback for next steps

Let's be friends