NodeList or Array
Ever wondered why a NodeList isn’t just a simple array? Dive into the hidden history and practical reasons behind the DOM’s unique design—and learn when to convert your NodeList for more power!
DOM APIs came first
// Early way of accessing DOM elements:
let items = document.getElementsByTagName('li'); // returns a live NodeList
// You can iterate over this NodeList using a loop:
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
console.log(items[i]); // Each item is an Element node (e.g., <li>)
One of the key reasons NodeLists exist separately from arrays is their ability to be live. A live NodeList updates automatically when the DOM changes.
The early DOM design didn’t prioritize all the advanced methods we have now with JavaScript arrays. The focus was on simplicity and performance for DOM manipulation.
Live vs static collections
let list = document.getElementsByClassName('item'); // returns a live NodeList
// Initially, this logs the 3 elements with the class 'item'
console.log(list.length); // Output: 3
// Now, dynamically add a new element with class 'item'
let newItem = document.createElement('li');
newItem.className = 'item';
// The NodeList automatically updates:
console.log(list.length); // Output: 4 (NodeList updated automatically)
One of the key reasons NodeLists exist separately from arrays is their ability to be live. A live NodeList updates automatically when the DOM changes.
// Static NodeList using querySelectorAll
const staticList = document.querySelectorAll('.item'); // returns a static NodeList
console.log(staticList.length); // Output: 3
// After adding a new item, staticList doesn't change
console.log(staticList.length); // Output: 3 (doesn't update automatically)
Live NodeLists are useful when you want a collection that stays in sync with the document without having to query again. Static collections (like those returned by querySelectorAll) do not automatically update when the DOM changes.
Memory and performance concerns
// NodeLists are lightweight and can handle a large number of elements efficiently:
let items = document.getElementsByTagName('li'); // returns a live NodeList
// Converting to an array adds overhead:
let itemsArray = Array.from(items); // more memory and processing required
When browsers were first being built, performance was a major concern. Returning full-fledged arrays from every DOM query would have been resource-intensive. NodeLists were a more lightweight and memory-efficient solution, handling just the needs of DOM traversal without all the complexity of arrays.
In the early days, this difference helped keep DOM manipulation fast and lean.
JavaScript’s evolution
// You can iterate over a NodeList:
let items = document.querySelectorAll('li');
items.forEach(item => console.log(item)); // Works, but no map/filter/reduce
// But you can't do things like: => item.textContent); // Error: NodeList has no 'map' function
// To use array methods, you need to convert to an array:
let itemsArray = Array.from(items);
let itemTexts = => item.textContent); // Now works
When NodeLists were created, JavaScript lacked many of the powerful array methods like map(), filter(), and reduce(). NodeLists were simple and sufficient for working with the DOM, without needing the full power of arrays.
However, as JavaScript evolved, developers began to need more advanced methods, leading to a demand for conversions between NodeLists and arrays.
Backward compatibility
// Before modern JavaScript, this would be necessary:
let itemsArray ='li'));
// Now, with ES6:
let itemsArray = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('li')); // Easy conversion
As JavaScript and browsers evolved, maintaining backward compatibility became critical. Changing NodeLists to be full arrays would have broken countless websites, so browsers kept NodeLists as a separate, specialized type of collection.
Developers now work with NodeLists for historical and compatibility reasons, but they can easily convert them into arrays when needed.
The need for conversion
let items = document.querySelectorAll('li'); // returns a NodeList
// Convert NodeList to array using Array.from():
let itemsArray = Array.from(items); => console.log(item.textContent)); // Now you can use 'map'
// Convert NodeList to array using the spread operator:
let itemsArray2 = [...items];
itemsArray2.filter(item => item.classList.contains('highlight'));
The introduction of methods like Array.from() and the spread operator (…) provided an easy way to convert NodeLists to arrays, allowing developers to harness the full power of array methods when needed.
This historical separation between NodeLists and arrays persists because of the early need for performance and simplicity in the DOM API, alongside JavaScript’s growth into a more powerful and feature-rich language.