Let's be friends


Screenshots and photos are pretty obvious – but here are some details about how you can help us build a shared library of examples.


We can always crop – but we can’t uncrop. Our cameras are really high quality now and take in lots of data – so, if you’re going to document something give it some space. Don’t zoom in or stand so close that you crop out the context. And you can take many shots, right? So – imagine that we might use it in a book one day – or show it as an example in a video. Make sure you tap the screen and focus the camera or whatever needs to be done. If you’re going to spend the time – make it worth it. However – a shot out the window of a moving car is sometimes all you can get! and those are great too. : )

Grabbing YouTube videos and audio

Video in the works!



Getting YouTube Ad URLs

Video in the works!

YouTube commercials

With a YouTube video, you can just send us a link. That’s easy enough.

However, sometimes YouTube commercials aren’t as easy (or impossible) to find listed.

side-note for brian: we could make a portal that was for “submissions” – and then it would have the link or images – and also give us the name of the person who submitted it – so that we can give them attribution where we publish it.

They took theirs down ^ here’s a new one: https://codepen.io/perpetual-education/pen/poXaRQy/8c4105d03d37168678d6a0d832c433db – and we’ll put it on this page soon…

What kinds do we look for?

  • commercials about web development  (funny or about web builders)
  • commercials about corporate tools / that seem interesting?
  • trashy “how to get rich without doing any work” type things like in this collection
  • ???


  1. while ad is playing (or pause but if you wait to long it might go away) right click and “copy debug info”
  2. paste it in here: https://www.adleg.com/debug
  3. get url
  4. share it with us
  5. we’ll likely download it with Airy

Other video options

Video in the works!

As in capturing website interactions and things…

We’ll make these as needed. But for short little “how tos” – Screen Studio seems great (if you end up doing those for work)

And we love ScreenFlow for recording many screens, cameras, and audio sources all simultaneously. So, if you ever want to learn how to make more robust videos – let us know.

See the Pen HTML cheatsheet 1 / display types by perpetual.education (@perpetual-education) on CodePen.

Let's be friends